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Postcard – Help for the low information voter

Although there is an information explosion in the modern world, much of the information needed to be a well-informed voter is missing, irrelevant, or misleading. The low information voter is inundated with media sound bites, tweets, twitters, talking heads, etc. which may produce much heat but little light. So what is the low information voter to do? A good start would be to go back to the basics. Read books and other documents free from the clutches of revisionist historians with worldviews and agendas different from those of the Founders. A good acquaintance with much of the content of the books and documents listed below will move you to the head of the class, and you will no longer be a low information voter.

Our political foundation: The Constitution of the United States

America’s founding principles: The Roots of American Order, Russell Kirk

Founder’s beliefs in their own words: America’s God and Country – Encyclopedia of Quotations, William J. Federer

Democracy in America: Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville

General history of America since Columbus: A Patriot’s History of the United States, Larry Schweikart and Michael Allen

Prerequisites for Culture: Visions of Order and Ideas Have Consequences, Russell M. Weaver

Our modern malaise: Slouching Towards Gomorrah, Robert Bork

Marriage and Family: The Broken Hearth, William J. Bennett

Heart of the culture wars: Witness, Whitaker Chambers

Socialism: The Road to Serfdom, F. A. Hayek

Worldview: How Now Shall We Live? Charles Colson and Nancy Pearcey

Humanism: Ye shall be as gods – Humanism and Christianity – The Battle for Supremacy in the American Cultural Vision, Larry G. Johnson

WARNING! Reading this material will dramatically change your life and way of thinking. Proceed at your own risk, but do it anyway for the good of America.

Larry G. Johnson

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