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Shepherds for Sale – Megan Basham

Ms. Basham’s subtitle for her book presents the essence of the book’s contents: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda.

Megan Basham is a published author and culture reporter for the The Daily Wire. She is a frequent contributor to the Morning Wire, one of the top ten news podcasts in the United States. She has written for WORLD magazine, the Spectator, the Wall Street Journal, First Things, National Review, and the Telegraph. Even before the book was released on July 30, 2024, the podcasts interviews and speaking engagements discussing the contents of the book stirred considerable of controversy and backlash from several evangelical church leaders and organizations about whom she wrote. However, the truth of the facts, narrative, and conclusions presented in the book are supported by extensive research and meticulous documentation (53 pages containing 640 endnotes in the 319 page book).

In her book Basham identifies well-funded forces outside of the church that set out to change American evangelical churches with regard to their biblical beliefs that stood in the way of achieving political change within American culture. Those power brokers include George Soros, members of the Obama administration, the founder of […] Continue Reading…

A Time to Preach, a Time to Pray, and a Time to Fight!

John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg (1746-1807) was a 30-year-old pastor and a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. In 1775, Muhlenberg preached a message on the Christian’s responsibility to be involved in securing freedom for America. The text for his sermon came from the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” He closed his message by saying: “In the language of the Holy Writ, there is a time for all things. There is a time to preach and a time to fight. And now is the time to fight.”

Thereafter, he threw off his clerical robes and revealed the uniform of an officer in the Revolutionary Army. That same afternoon, he and 300 men marched to join General George Washington and his troops. Muhlenberg became the Colonel of the 8th Virginia Regiment where he served to the end of the war, during which he was promoted to the rank of Major General.[1]

Muhlenberg’s Regiment was just one of many formed by pastors from across the colonies who arose and lead their congregations into the battle for freedom. Unlike today, the church during the revolutionary era served as […] Continue Reading…

Vote for Brandon Shreffler – Owasso Public School Board – April 2, 2024

Many who receive this email may not live in the Owasso Public School District. So why should you read its message? This recommendation is based on a principle that should be applied when voting on candidates for a school board position in any district in which one may reside, and it is this principle upon which I have based my recommendation.

This principle states that it is the citizens of a school district, not the elected members of the school board, ultimately determine the moral values and standards to be taught to the children in that district. In other words, a school board’s actions, policies, and practices must reflect the moral values and standards of that community. This issue has been at the heart of many highly contentious meetings between school boards and the parents and other citizens of communities across America.

Owasso School Board Election – Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The two men who are competing for the Owasso School Board position appear to differ on this principle. Either Brent England (20-year incumbent) or Brandon Shreffler (challenger) will occupy this school board position for the next five years.

The positions and promises of both candidates appear similar. Both men […] Continue Reading…

Battle of Protesters: Westboro Baptist Church v. LBGTQ+ Supporters & Agenda – They both win! – Part III

Update on the death of Nex Benedict and the Political Aftermath

The death of Nex Benedict on February 8, 2024, was tragic. After Part II of this series was posted about the incident at Owasso High School, the results of the toxicology report revealed that Nex Benedict died of suicide. “The medical examiner’s report listed the probable cause of death as ‘combined toxicity’ from two drugs, one of which is available over the counter and the other by prescription.”[1] Another report indicated the probable cause of death “was a suicide, an overdose caused by a combination of diphenhydramine (commonly known as Benadryl) and fluoxetine (commonly, Prozac).”[2] However, there was no explanation as to how the medical examiner distinguished between death by suicide and death by accidental means.

Many are attempting to fix the blame for Benedict’s suicide on: (1) an alleged bullying incident at Owasso High School and (2) the supposed anti-LBGTQ+ policies and pronouncements of Ryan Walters, Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the first instance, Benedict initiated and participated in the fight when she threw water on one or more of the girls. Benedict was guilty of initiating the fight after an exchange of words with the three girls. […] Continue Reading…

Battle of Protesters: Westboro Baptist Church v. LBGTQ+ Supporters & Agenda – They both win! – Part II

[If you wish to read the article on the Internet, go to: Please forward this post to your family and friends on social media.]

Theater of the Absurd

The long anticipated clash of protesters and counter-protesters at Owasso High School ended peacefully on a sunny March 6th Wednesday afternoon. The Westboro Baptist Church protesters initially met in front of the Owasso School District’s administrative offices at 2:15 PM. At 2:30 PM the WBC protestors had moved to a sidewalk next to Owasso High School where they were met with hundreds of counter-protesters from at least five LBGTQ+ organizations from various states which included The Rainbow Youth Project headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, and the Diversity Center of Oklahoma.[1] Owasso Police had separated the protest and counter-protest groups by placing each on the opposite side of the street from the other.

The colorful Parasol Patrol based in Denver, Colorado, was led by co-founder Eli Bazan who spoke on camera with the Fox 23 News reporter to express the Parasol Patrol’s support of LGBTQ+ students in Owasso.

The Fox 23 News camera crew recorded the husky Mr. Bazan, sporting a beard, shaven head, and a pink knee-length skirt, as he […] Continue Reading…